Revitalization of the Eucharist and Vocations
What differentiates the diocesan priesthood from religious order priests?
What makes marriage unique among all vocations? Come to our next REV Retreat and find out!
Photos shown include some of our guest speakers for this year. Registration is open, see below.
Fr. Brad Morin, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Portland
Dominican Sisters: Sr. Mary Amata Mueller, OP & Sr. Amata Christi Lippert, OP
Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
Black Bear Catholic: Connect on Facebook
Orono - Newman Center - University of Maine (
Ignite: Greater Portland Young Adult Catholics (Facebook group)
Focus Equip (Fellowship of Catholic University Students)
Franciscan Faithful (University of New England)
Bowdoin Catholic Student Union (Bowdoin)
Colby Newman Council (Colby College)
Newman Club (University of Southern Maine)